SEAtoSKY FHC plans for tournaments abroad to provide players with opportunity to experience field hockey outside of Canada. For instance, we travel for the Europe Tour every 2 years. This tour provides training sessions hosted by top European coaches, as well as games against teams from some of the biggest Field Hockey clubs in the world. It is an exciting experience and a learning opportunity and athletes are immersed into European culture and experience life in big European cities like Amsterdam.

2023 was the inaugural year for SEAtoSKY FHC at the Shooting Stars Tournament. This tournament has been highly recommended to us as one of the top recruiting events, with the participation of the top US clubs, meaning most of the top US universities and colleges will come to recruit. The tournament will be held on turf fields. Moving forward, we intend to participate annually to provide our athletes who are working towards a field hockey athletic scholarship an opportunity to meet with university and college scouts.


2023 Shooting Star Tournament, Virginia, USA

Pool D, 1st place

2022 Euro Tour, Netherlands

2019 Euro Tour, Netherlands & Belgium

2018 International Field Hockey Tournament, Barcelona, Spain